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On Sat, Nov 25, 2006 at 07:51:35PM -0500, Luis Carvalho wrote:
> luarefvim, the Vim help file for Lua that is based on the reference manual,
> has been updated to include the Lua 5.1 reference manual. Grab it at:

That is truly great! Thanks!

One thing I wonder, what is help.vim for?

One tiny thing, I notice that whether c-] can jump to a description of a
function while inside the help windows depends on whether the ( is
touching the function name:

	lua_gettable(L, -1)  -- can't jump, thinks that 'lua_gettable(L' i
	the token

	lua_gettable (...) -- can jump

For example, try ':help stackexample', then try (using c-] or \lr) to
go to the help for lua_replace from inside the example, it doesn't work
for me.
