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On 23-Oct-06, at 1:11 PM, Asko Kauppi wrote:

The issue is, in larger programs its really benefitial to have the _option_ of using type constraints on your variables, values, and return values. Doing them integrated with the syntax simply hides them more from the eye than doing 'assert' everywhere.

But why hide them? assert is a perfectly good way of making it clear what the function expects:

function extract(str, i, j)
  assert(isNumber(i) and i >  0 and i <= #str)
  assert(isNumber(j) and j >= i and j <= #str)

  local outside = str:sub(1, i) .. str:sub(j+1)
  local inside = str:sub(i, j)

  assert(#outside + #inside == #str)
  return inside, outside