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"Glenn Maynard" <> wrote in message">
How are people dealing with error handling in C++?  setjmp doesn't
get along with C++ destructors.  luaconf.h has an alternate to use
exceptions, but enabling exceptions bloats binaries massively (in
VC, and even more in g++).  Anyone found a good approach?

In principle, I could move my Lua code into separate source files,
enable exceptions for just those files, and make sure to catch all
exceptions there.  That would be a major hassle--dozens of bound
classes, with Lua binding code at the end of each source file being
bound, several build systems, and also a fair bit of inline Lua
interfacing.  (I also know no way to convince automake to send
different compiler flags to different source files, short of building
a library.)  I'd sooner live with a memory leak on error than deal
with that.

I'm not really aware of any good solution.
A C++ project I worked on that used C++ exceptions
found some very nasty errors (segfaults deep inside
the bowels of g++). The bugs were hard to debug,
seemingly non-deterministic, which was a mess.

Apparently longjmp does not mess well with C++,
and especially does not mesh well with c++ exceptions.

So we ended up compiling lua as c++ using c++ exceptions in lua.

The C++ standard says this:
18.7.4 The function signature longjmp(jmp_buf jbuf, int val) has more restricted behavior in this International Standard. If any automatic objects would be destroyed by a thrown exception transferring control to another (destination) point in the program, then a call to longjmp(jbuf, val) at the throw point that transfers control to the same (destination) point has undefined behavior.

So use of longjmp in most C++ programs has undefined results.