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On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 12:02 +0300, wrote:
> Opinions, am I getting completely nuts?

Well, you already were nuts, but Aranha does have something similar to
this as you may recall from my presentation at the conference.

Aranha has:

>>some string with |value|s interpolated into it.<<

Where things in | markers are considered as expressions and parsed as
such in Lua's parser.

That above string gets parsed by Aranha as

__divertedstring("some string with %ss interpolated into it.", value)

But you get to have a lot more fun when you do things like

>>Hello |name|. You are |myage - yourage #d| years younger than I am.<<

which is *parsed* as:

__divertedstring("Hello %s. You are %d years younger than I am.", name,
myage - yourage)

Thusly allowing arbitrary expressions to be interpolated.

It wouldn't be a massive thing to do to extract this bit of Aranha's
functionality and alter it to be something slightly more generic for Lua


Daniel Silverstone               
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