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On Sat, 7 Oct 2006 03:37:07 -0700
"Wesley Smith" <> wrote:

> So that works for windows, but is there a POSIX or another OS agnostic
> method for doing this?

I don't know about one, but it would be nice to have such a feature.
Some time ago I did some experiments, and you can do the following in
MacOSX, it will return the path of the executable image:

  #include <mach-o/dyld.h>
  #include <string.h>

  char* get_exepath(void)
    size_t sz = 0;
    char *buf;
    char *sl;

    _NSGetExecutablePath(NULL, &sz);
    buf = (char*) malloc(++sz);
    _NSGetExecutablePath(buf, &sz);

    sl = strrchr(buf, '/');
    *(sl + 1) = '\0';
    return buf;

Under Linux and maybe other systems with a similar "/proc" layout you
can use the following (of course, this needs "/proc" mounted!):

  #include <unistd.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <errno.h>

  char* get_exepath(void)
    size_t sz  = 100;
    char sym[1024];
    char *buf = (char*) malloc(sz);
    char *sl;

    snprintf(sym, "/proc/%i/exe", getpid());
    for (;;) {
      int ret = readlink(sym, buf, sz);

      if (ret == -1) return NULL;
      else if (ret < sz) {
        buf[ret] = '\0';
      else {
        sz += 50;
        buf = (char*) realloc(buf, sz);

    sl = strrchr(buf, '/');
    *(sl + 1) = '\0';
    return buf;

Just my two cents, hope this is useful for you ;-)

Futility Factor: No experiment is ever a complete failure - it can
always serve as a negative example.

"When I die, I want a tombstone that says "GAME OVER" - Ton Richters

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