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On 10/4/06, Sam Roberts <> wrote:
On Wed, Oct 04, 2006 at 01:28:09PM +0530, Ashutosh Sharma wrote:
> I am writing a bridge between Lua and JavaScript. If it is known that
> a table is actually an array, one can then create a JS array rather
> than a generic JS Object.

Good reason!

> The 'pairs' mechanism is easy enoug to use in Lua code. I'm just
> wondering if there's a good way of doing the same from C.


Be VERY careful not to modify the key during traversal. In particular,
lua_isnumber() and lua_isstring() modify their args, or at least they
did in 5.0, I don't see specific mention of this in:

I'm now using lua_type to first find the type of the key and lua_next
for the traversal.

As David mentions, lua_tostring and lua_tolstring modify the key on
the stack, rather than lua_isstring.
