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On 10/4/06, Glenn Maynard <> wrote:

  The length of a table t is defined to be any integer index n such
  that t[n] is not nil and t[n+1] is nil

Note that an array can have holes; they're even mentioned further down
in 2.5.5.

> And you want to make sure the table meets those conditions (why? :-),
> then doing pairs() and checking each key is >=1 and <= #t, and that you
> see exactly #t of them, should work. I don't think that pairs() will
> return a key if the value is nil.

... and integral.

(I also have some difficulty thinking of a real use for wanting to know
this; if someone gives an example, it may be easier to know exactly what's

I am writing a bridge between Lua and JavaScript. If it is known that
a table is actually an array, one can then create a JS array rather
than a generic JS Object.
The 'pairs' mechanism is easy enoug to use in Lua code. I'm just
wondering if there's a good way of doing the same from C.
