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On Friday 04 August 2006 10:45 pm, Ariel Manzur wrote:
> That is correct, the class module and the lua stuff inside LuaQt is
> included with the core module. The commented 'require's are for debug
> purposes only..

thanks, the Carlos answer pointed me to the right place and i could see how 
the bytecode is included in the C++ code generated by tolua++.  if i had 
bothered to learn tolua before LuaQt, it would be obvious.

> The hardcoded paths for 'require' are for linux.. Since scons names the
> (is there such a thing?)

i copied the .so files (without the 'lib' prefix) to /usr/lib/lua/5.1/ and got 
rid of the 'special' paths.

all working great now


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