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hi, i had some questions about luaexpat.
it seems to be missing div that in spec?
also, i'm trying to figure out how to deal with non-well formed pages...
i get "error closing parser: not well-formed (invalid token)" on stuff like:
>>>>  document.write('<scr' + 'ipt src="' + adserver	
>>>> <a href=" tab=reviews&user=name">reviews</a> - i can see the first one posing problems with "<scr' + ' ..., but the second seems relatively generic as far as html goes...not sure why that's causing problems.

is there a way to cleanly stop parsing from within a callback handler...i'm hoping to use regexes to match subsections of the document and then expat those, but they'll have unmatched closing tags at the end, and i want to stop parsing when a depth count becomes less than 0.
 alright, thanks for any help...