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Here is another (much simpler) test case, in pure Lua
(that shows BTW that luaL_argerror is not the one to blame).

-- test1.lua
local app = {}
local Var
local function main()
  app.NoSuchName (function() Var=0 end)
-- end of test1.lua

Both Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.1.1 report the following:

> lua: test1.lua:4: attempt to call upvalue 'Var' (a nil value)
> stack traceback:
> 	test1.lua:4: in function 'main'
> 	test1.lua:6: in main chunk
> 	[C]: ?

While Lua 5.0 reports (correctly):

> lua50: test1.lua:4: attempt to call a nil value
> stack traceback:
> 	test1.lua:4: in function `main'
> 	test1.lua:6: in main chunk
> 	[C]: ?
