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Dear all,

I am using SWIG 1.3.28 to extend the Lua environment with a custom
library written in C. 

I am stumbling on the following problem:

* given the following C definitions:

typedef unsigned long channel_list_t[CONFIG_MAX_CHANNELS_NUMBER];
void do_test( channel_list_t * chans);

* I would like to be able to manipulate instances of channel_list_t as
in the following Lua code:

aa = channels_list_t()
aa[0] = 1
aa[1] = 10

But it doesn't work since the SWIG wrapper defines channels_list_t as

Is there a way to do that ? Is there something I didn't correctly
understood ? 

Any link or exemple would be greatly appreciated. I have already checked
on the Internet but it may have escaped my search.

Thanks a lot for your attention,

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