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On 6/12/06, Greg McCreath <> wrote:
Any special requests?  - besides Australia beating Brazil at the football:).
A good result for you guys yesterday against Japan, you never know...

> Is there a published 'roadmap' of what is up-and-coming in lua - for 5.2
> and beyond?

No roadmap, published or otherwise. Do you have any special requests??

My requests would be:
1. Keep going! Lua is great.
2. Please can you consider version compatibility a bit more; whilst
the language itself is stable, the API seems to change quite a lot and
it's quite complicated to figure out what version is installed. e.g
during a ./configure of a client program. The files always lua.h and
liblua.a, even though it may be version 4, 5, 5.1, ... I think some of
your more recent changes are a definite improvement (e.g. #define-ing
a version number in the header)
