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 > > I'm preparing to distribute some code that is written primarily
 > > in Lua but with some parts in C.  For the setup, I would
 > > like to have a shell script that will find the correct -I, -L, and
 > > -l options to give to cc to compile and link against the proper
 > > version of Lua (in my case, 5.0).  Does anyone have any suggestions
 > > about how to do this, or even possibly, any code?
 > There's the pkg-config approach. Lua 5.1 includes data for pkg-config in
 > etc/lua.pc. It's probably simple to adapt it for Lua 5.0, if needed.

I love pkg-config, and it's definitely a partial solution.  But I will
also need something to fall back on if pkg-config happens not to be
installed on a user's machine.
