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	sorry . it is my fault after I read the 5.1 manal

          int lua_yield  (lua_State *L, int nresults);

Yields a coroutine. 

This function should only be called as the return expression of a C
function, as follows: 

       return lua_yield (L, nresults);

	so modify the code like 

//void MyYield(const char*szWait)
//	cout << "thread is waiting for " << szWait << endl;
//	swait = szWait;
//	lua_yield(L2,0);

//int luaMyYield(lua_State* LL)
//	MyYield(lua_tostring(LL,1));
//	return 0;

int MyYield(const char*szWait)
	cout << "thread is waiting for " << szWait << endl;
	swait = szWait;
	return lua_yield(L2,0);

int luaMyYield(lua_State* LL)
	return MyYield(lua_tostring(LL,1));

	but after do it , the lua works ok but luabind crashed ! 
	my God !