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On Friday 28 April 2006 6:27 pm, D Burgess wrote:
> For Lua, I think the right answer belongs to David Given(if I remember
> correctly). This means a lua state per OS thread and YAN thread
> for communication between the states. The overhead is the xtra
> memory for each state (but who cares it will be less than python)
> and the data transfer between states (which has to happen anyway).
> This model has one mutex for transferring data between states.
> Above all this model is simple.

the only complication is copying complex objects.  it would be great if the 
Lua API included some way to do that.  ideally, a single call with several 
parameters controlling how deeply do the copy.  or at least, a simpler way to 
write the loop without having to worry about all different datatypes.

i know... if i can't even define the requirement, how can i expect it to be 

but, right now, the most 'complete' solution would be to use Pluto and 
transfer a big string... ugh!


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