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Issac Trotts wrote:

Hi all,

The installation instructions for luasocket describe how to install it as a dynamic library. For my application, it would be preferable to just compile luasocket in statically, but this only half working. I had to change a couple of headers:

Try not changing anything and putting this in your startup code:

   /* package.preload["lsocket"] = luaopen_lsocket */
   lua_pushstring(L, "lsocket");
   lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_lsocket);
   lua_settable(L, -3);

   /* package.preload["lmime"] = luaopen_lmime */
   lua_pushstring(L, "lmime");
   lua_pushcfunction(L, luaopen_lmime);
   lua_settable(L, -3);

this gets the C initialization functions called at the right stage of the module loading process(after the lua code). If you the "C" functions directly then the later require"socket" fails because the module globals are already defined and this
is what the package system uses to signal that the module is already loaded.
