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On Wednesday 28 September 2005 23:05, Aaron Brown wrote:
> This plus
> knowledge of the terminal's escape sequences for cursor
> positioning etc. (which I believe are fairly standardized on
> modern terminals) is all that's needed to write a
> Curses-style program.

What about SIGWINCH? Without that, your programs will be extremely antisocial.

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but as someone who uses terminals 
extensively, *please* use curses! Or at least termcap, which is easier to 
interface to, but is much more irritating to use. But either way, you'll 
still need --- somehow --- to trap SIGWINCH...

+- David Given --McQ-+ 
|    | "The README of fate is a complex program indeed."
| ( | --- Reboot
+- --+ 

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