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On Sunday 14 August 2005 2:33 pm, William Trenker wrote:
> How would you write a Xavante/config.lua simplerule to direct
> everything to a single cgilua script?  Something like:

i think i understand a bit of what you're trying to do;  you want a CGILua 
launcher that doesn't use the requested URL to choose the script to run.  
instead, you want it to always answer with the 'login' system.

you were right: the stock CGILua launcher can't do that.

but i think there's an easier way to get the same effect: 

function loginHandler (req, res)
    if not logged() then
        req.headers ["orig_url"] = req.relpath
        req.relpath = "login/login.lua"
        return cgiluaHandler (req, res)
        -- redirect to the 'real' servers

this way, you just modify the request and let the standard CGILua handle it

i have some ideas (no code yet) to move quite a bit of Xavante core 
functionality to handlers; i think it'll let the users reorder the request 
process in very flexible ways, especially around the URL parsing steps

but right now i'm writing a framework to vastly simplify writing handlers; in 
some cases to one-liners... wish me luck!


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