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Instead of fighting the XML world, I think it'd be best for Lua to be recognized as an "integrates well with XML" product. I mean, reading in XML _seamlessly_ into Lua tables, and output, too.

I will be needing this shortly, since working with XML in C is .. tedious. Anyone care to promote their favorite XML binding, I'll be listening. :)

ps. it wouldn't hurt if this kind of functionality was even one of the standard libraries.

30.1.2005 kello 13:16, duck kirjoitti:

 "putting angle brackets around everything is not a technology,
by itself"

But, errrr, technologies like XML *put angle brackets round some
things, and not others*. This makes an important difference!

(Not least that consultants and contractors who charge by the angle
bracket get to litter there work with more of them than a simple "two
angle brackets per object" model.)