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Asko Kauppi wrote:
> Anyhow, I do have a working loadlib.c for LuaX, that _could_ be used as 
> such with original Lua. I'll need to see what are the real differences 
> with w3 there.

I just took a peek at luaX-070/Sources/loadlib.c and I guess it could be
used with only a few modifications (provided that you donate the code
to the Lua core under the Lua license?).

> And yes, you're right: OS X 'bundles' is what you want to have.

Thank you for clearing this up.

> To make it more confusing.. bundle libraries normally have a ".dylib" 
> extention just as regular libraries do, although they could have any 
> other s.a. ".lux".

I think the established convention for most cross-platform packages that
need shared libraries is to use ".so" even on Mac OS X. That way we don't
have to provide yet another variant of the package path in luaconf.h ...

BTW: I hope /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/?.so is acceptable on Mac OS X, too?

BTW#2: Anyone has any objections against dropping
         /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/lib?.so    (note the "lib?.so")
       from the C package path (for POSIX)? I think a single convention
       for naming the library file should suffice.
