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I faced an issue last night, where an ARM-Linux cross compiled Lua 5.0.2 gave funny floating point output. It seems like a system bug I'll need to come over, but studying it made me realize 'lua_number2str()' is there, but not all the way. Why is that?

	grep -r NUMBER_FMT *
	include/luaconf.h:#define LUA_NUMBER_FMT        "%.14g"
include/luaconf.h:#define lua_number2str(s,n) sprintf((s), LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (n))

src/lib/liolib.c: fprintf(f, LUA_NUMBER_FMT, lua_tonumber(L, arg)) > 0;
	src/luac/print.c:  printf(LUA_NUMBER_FMT,nvalue(o));

The 'liolib.c' and 'print.c' files could have an #ifdef, using 'lua_number2str()' in case it is defined. I will be making such a patch (in order to run Lua on that ARM box); would there be consensus to wish this in the mainstream releases, too?
