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Hi to all,

I'm planning to use lua coroutines in my script engine, and i am wondering
if it is possible to tell lua to restart at a specific line of code when you
resume a thread.

For example i have the following function used to create a coroutine:

function Myfunction( )

	local index = 0 

	while  index < 1000 do

	-- call dummy function

	-- call special C function that will yield or allow coroutine to
-- continue execution

	WaitEvent( idEvent )

	index = index + 1 	


What i want to do is that when the C function WaitEvent is called, it yields
the coroutine..
That is working perfectly, but i want the coroutine to restart at the
function WaitEvent and not the line after ( index = index + 1 )...
In  this way, each time i call a resume on the coroutine, the same C
function is called and decide if coroutine must yield and stay at it, or
continue it's execution..

Does anybody already made such a thing ???

Thanks in advance..


PS: sorry for my bad english.