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Rici Lake wrote:

Some criteria are necessary, to be sure. I wouldn't put any extension in the os. library, for example, unless there was a reasonably chance that it could be implemented on most OSs.

Putting extensions in an os.ext. library doesn't solve the problem of tesing. You still have to test for the os.ext library *and* you have to test to see if the particular extension you want is there, unless *every* extension goes into a separate subsublibrary, which gets ridiculous (or at least javaesque).

So it seems to me that .ext adds no value. Even in the standard os library, there are some interfaces which may fail on certain platforms, so you cannot even say that .ext is a reminder that the function may not work.

I've understood that your point is to define standard interfaces for common tasks present in several operating systems. But I also believe that some form of standardisation begins with the namespace usage.

That's why I think "ext" has its value. Let's take OpenGL, for instance. When you read the OpenGL especification you know that whenever a vendor says its product is OpenGL-compliant, everything that you read must apply. But some vendors introduce their extensions to OpenGL, and there is a definite naming scheme for them (GL_ATI_*, GL_NV_*). If later one of those extensions is adopted by several vendors, it's gonna receive a GL_EXT_* name. I think that's nice because you only have to test for the features that may not be present, depending on the user hardware. Those features are marked as extensions. Similarly, when you read the Lua Manual you know that everything there holds for every ANSI C-compliant platform. There is no need to test for anything. But if you need os.ext.delay, you know you must test if it exists because of the "ext" in the name. In the end, I think the clarity of the name pays off.
