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On Mon, Jul 05, 2004 at 10:00:20AM -0500, John Belmonte wrote:

> I just want to point out that the community already funds a domain: 
> (we'll be having the next lottery soon).  Adding 
> subdomains is free.  Also, spending $120/yr. for the rest of time on web 
> hosting seems like a big commitment to me.

$10 a month's quite a lot.  Trying, but failing, to avoid sounding like
an advert, I know of a web host that's very Lua friendly (all their
infrastructure's written in Lua) and is significantly cheaper than that.
See signature. :)

I'm sure if there was ever a requirement, we could do something
discounted too, considering how much we benefit from Lua, and its

Rob Kendrick, Pepperfish Ltd.         +44 (0)845 226 4146
PGP signed or encrypted mail welcome                         Key ID: 3651D17A