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- Subject: Questions about writing a C library
- From: Phil Bewig <pbewig@...>
- Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 18:48:57 +0000 (UTC)
As an exercise in learning to program in lua, and because I
think it will be a useful library to have, I am writing a
library to manipulate linked lists. The library will be
written in c, available to lua in the same manner as the
standard libraries. Eventually I want to have a library
like this:
list.null() -- returns a null list
list.isnull(obj) -- returns boolean true if obj is a
list, and boolean false otherwise
list.cons(obj,lst) -- returns a new list with obj
attached to the front of lst
list.head(lst) -- returns the first item in lst
list.tail(lst) -- returns the rest of lst after the
first item
My first question: Is it possible to have list.null, a
value, instead of list.null(), a function that returns a
The library starts with this little bit of code:
typedef struct ListItem ListItem;
struct ListItem {
void *item;
ListItem *next;
ListItem *listNull(void) { return (ListItem *) NULL; }
int listIsNull(ListItem *lst) { return lst == NULL; }
ListItem *listCons(void *itm, ListItem *lst) {
ListItem *newList;
newList = (ListItem *) malloc(sizeof(ListItem));
newList->item = itm;
newList->next = lst;
return newList; }
void *listHead(ListItem *lst) { return lst->item; }
ListItem *listTail(ListItem *lst) { return lst->next; }
This isn't particularly good code. For instance, I don't
check the return from malloc, nor do listHead and listTail
check that their arguments are non-NULL. This is a place
to start organizing my thoughts, not a final piece of code.
I've been reading sections 3.8 and 3.16 of the lua manual.
I understand that my functions will have different types
and different arguments than they do now, something like
static int listNull(lua_State *L)
static int listIsNull(lua_State *L)
static int listCons(lua_State *L)
static int listHead(lua_State *L)
static int listTail(lua_State *L)
Now I start writing the functions. Here is my first attempt
at listCons:
static int listCons(lua_State *L) {
ListItem *newList;
void *itm;
ListItem *lst;
if (lua_gettop(L) != 2) {
lua_pushstring(L, "incorrect argument count");
itm = lua_touserdata(L,1);
lst = lua_touserdata(L,2);
newList = (ListItem *) lua_newuserdata(L, (sizeof(ListItem));
newList->item = itm;
newList->next = lst;
return 1;
But I'm pretty sure that's not right. For instance, I
haven't checked anywhere that itm and lst have the proper
type; itm may take any lua type, lst must be a ListItem.
I haven't checked that lua_newuserdata finds memory, but
maybe the runtime system checks that. And I realize that
lua_pushuserdata doesn't exist!
So the obvious questions are: How do I check that the
type of an argument is a ListItem? And how do I return
a value of type ListItem? And perhaps a less obvious
question: How can I arrange that "type(lst)" returns
"list", so that its type is disjoint from all other types?
I also want to know what I have to specify in my list.c
file. Do I need a lua_open line? How do I register my
c functions so they form a table like the system library?
Do I need to specify -llualib.h or any other libraries
when I compile? Do I say "require list" in my lua program
to gain access to my list library?
The last question is a meta-question: I have the book on
order (arriving in about a week), I've scoured the tutorials
in the wiki, searched for lua_CFunction in the mailing list
archives, and even read some source code -- where on the web
would I find answers to my questions?
Many thanks for all assistance.