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> > Someone could do this with LuaCheia. If wxLua is working with this
> > have a debugger as well I think. Or that LuaPlus looks ok (untested
> > me) but I think that would be win32 only.
> I'm guessing I'm not the only one on this list with significant
> experience with SDL, but I think for a game library you'd definitely
> want to use SDL instead of wxWindows (they don't play well together
> yet). SDL gives simple access to fullscreen modes, different color
> depths, OpenGL contexts, keyboard/mouse/joystick input, and such.
> wxWindows covers some of these, but not near enough for making a
> game without extensions. I've used both libraries and these have been
> experiences. Incidentally, I used both of them on a single project
> a good idea in my opinion =) The main problem is that SDL cannot be
> inside of a wxWindows frame successfully on many platforms (you can
> an unsupported feature of the UNIX port of SDL, but that's not exactly
> ideal).
> Besides, Glade and Gtk+ are a better solution anyway =) (Please ignore
> this comment if you feel otherwise)

Actually I was just thinking of wxLua for its TCP/IP target debugger,
not for the host window frame. In theory you could debug a Lua game on
another machine (which doesn't even have to be the same OS). Of course
it would work on the same machine as well! The debugger wouldn't be
distributed with the game, just LuaCheia and the game code. I think one
of LuaCheia objectives is to fit on a floppy, which would be good
platform to build LuaGame on. Currently I think this would be possibly
even with a wxLua DLL (300-400kB?).
