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Em Ter, 2003-12-16 às 14:18, Jeremy Cowgar escreveu:
> Mod_lua also is not caching anything yet... so, the <?lua ... ?> is
> parsed each time and something like:
> <html><body><h1>Hello</h1>
> <?lua print("Hello, World!") ?>
> </body>
> </html>
> is actually turned into a lua script:
> print("<html><body><h1>Hello</h1>")
> print("Hello, World!")
> print("</body>")
> print("</html>")
> and then executed... I will be implementing a cache type system that
> will store the converted pages and then execute them if the date has not
> changed. This will turn into an option to enable caching, disable
> caching, check dates, or don't check anything, always use the cached
> file (production).

Perhaps just compiling and caching the bytecodes will bring a
challenging performace compared to PHP.  It would also be interesting to
compare Lua (cached) and PHP with zend/other compilers.

I think Lua is sort of an underrated language. I would take Lua over
Python (or PHP) any time of the day.  But most people don't know Lua, or
didn't yet behold its inherent coolness :o)

Hopefully, projects like mod_lua can bring a larger user base, helping
the language and its add-ons to evolve.  That's why I think the
benchmarks are yet another way of telling people "See? You can use Lua.
Lua is a Good Thing (tm)"

> Once mod_lua get's a little more defined in it's api, I will begin some
> comparison tests and publish the results on

Nice job! :o)

Rafael Jannone