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On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 05:25, Andreas Stenius wrote:
> > Please do let me know if you are interested.

Status update:

I've talked with some people on the SciTE mailing list and it seems that
Bruce has beat me to the ressurection of the LuaExtension. I am
currently discussing with him on collaborating. We both have benefits
such as his uses a Multextender interface (allows for multiple
extensions (maybe Director on Windows or some other scripting interface
if one is created). Mine uses Lua 5.0, not 3.2.

Mine also has a Macros menu, but I don't think the author of SciTE was
too excited about the addition of a GUI menu, but it's still in

If we don't figure anything out solid within the next day or so, I'll
put my code up for download and those who want to use it with the
thought that it may change in the near future, you can.

jeremy <>

jeremy@myhome $ man woman
No manual entry for woman