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Hi Jarrod,

There are several ways to write business logic in Lua.
Here I present just one way, implementing a java interface in Lua.

public interface IBusinessLogic {
	public void doLogic ();

-- LuaLogic.lua
local logic = {}
function logic.doLogic ()
	print("hello from logic written in Lua")
return logic

public class LuaJavaTest {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws
ClassNotFoundException, LuaException {
		LuaState l = LuaStateFactory.newLuaState();
		LuaObject logic = l.getLuaObject(-1);
		IBusinessLogic jlogic = (IBusinessLogic)

> I am evaluating using LuaJava 5.0 and just can't seem to find 
> any concrete practical examples on how it might be used.
> I want to be able to script some very simple business logic 
> using lua instead using native Java and having to recompile 
> and redeploy my application just to add a simple if..then 
> type condition.
> Any help would be appreciated!