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On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 09:00, Jeremy Cowgar wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-12-16 at 05:25, Andreas Stenius wrote:
> > > Please do let me know if you are interested.
> Status update:
> I've talked with some people on the SciTE mailing list and it seems that
> Bruce has beat me to the ressurection of the LuaExtension. I am
> currently discussing with him on collaborating. We both have benefits
> such as his uses a Multextender interface (allows for multiple
> extensions (maybe Director on Windows or some other scripting interface
> if one is created). Mine uses Lua 5.0, not 3.2.
> Mine also has a Macros menu, but I don't think the author of SciTE was
> too excited about the addition of a GUI menu, but it's still in
> discussion.
> If we don't figure anything out solid within the next day or so, I'll
> put my code up for download and those who want to use it with the
> thought that it may change in the near future, you can.

I have placed a copy on the net for downloading. It is very alpha.

jeremy <>

The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.