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From: "Thatcher Ulrich" <>
> Furthermore, for portability, maintainability and community
> acceptance, I think it's best if the LuaCheia core is very close to
> the default Lua distribution.  I think it would be cool if Glua-X
> were packaged as a loadmodule-style module, so you could do:
> loadmodule("Glua-X")
> Gluahost("name-of-gluax-module")

That sounds like a good solution.
I definetly agree on Thatchers point that no single solution should be
mandated. This es esp. true for existing modules.

Although I think this kind of thing should optionally be hidden behind a
(script?) layer for the 'end-user'... Maybe in that way one could 'unify'
the various loadin conventions needed for the different implementations...
