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From: "Eero Pajarre" <>
> Martin Spernau wrote:
> > I would personaly prefer LuaCheia modules to not rely on automatic
> > bindings, as to enable the full power of the Lua language.
> Could you clarify this?

What I was reffering to are automatically generated bindings that closely
follow the C-style calling conventions. My own naive efforts with building a
PCRE binding with swig and tolua resulted in such code, and I dumped that
for a handwritten Lua binding (which in the case of PCRE is actually no big

One thing that binding generators can not provide tho is returning of
multiple results (eg. as tables), here a handwritten binding would much more
build on the power of Lua.
Ans yes, the wxLua bindings are rather clean and nice to use, but they still
follow the C++ style of building a GUI. Lua as a language could provide a
far 'higher level' approach. But then the way it is is easier on the
documentation / example code side, as one can easily transform the sample
C++ coe into Lua code...

I might be mistaken, and will gladly be corrected tho.
