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Well, for Lua4 something similar almost exists.
Using the BinaryModuleLoding supplied by the loadmodule.c patch, I have a
Lua4 that has
* SQLite (embeded SQL engine, no dependecies on external DBs)
* Sockets
* XML handling
* zlib
* PCRE regex (not real good binding yet, in dev)
and I experimentally combinded this extended Lua with wxLua, which seems to
work, but I haven't tested that really well

All this should compile on all mentined plattforms (I only use Windows

The thing is, I'm waiting for the various module authors to bring out Lua5
versions, so my own efforts are a little halted for now.

Point being, YES I'd be interested in such a thing, esp. if it can be keept
cross-platform and modular.
Modularity is a important point to me, as I'd very much like to share code
between different 'stages' of applications. A GUI app should be able to use
the same script modules as a 'faceless' console/server app etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Björn De Meyer" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 2:03 PM
Subject: Idea: Lua Max, a complete standalone Lua

> This is an idea I have been toying with for a while,
> and I wish to throw it into the group to see if there
> is interest for it.
> Lua is a nice language, especially for embedding.
> With Lua 5 we get many nice features that make embedding
> However, I feel Lua should also be used more commonly
> as a standalone language. For that, I believe more
> functionality will be needed.
> My idea is then for us Lua users to make a Lua Max
> (or the same thing under another another name) wich
> is a standalone Lua which comes with many useful,
> yet mostly portable libraries built in. The target
> platforms would be Posix, X Window, and Microsoft
> Windows platforms. Included in this LuaMAX could be:
> * Loadlib dynamic library support.
> * A lightweight GUI toolkit, probably FLTK.
> * SQL functionality.
> * Complete regular expressions.
> * Assistance for CGI, web-based programming.
> * PThreads.
> * Sockets.
> * Extended math.
> * Directory handling, filesystem manipulation.
> * zlib compression support.
> * Lua script repository that facilitates common
>   tasks such as OOP/inheritance programming.
> * Etc, etc.
> Does this interest anyone here enough to help me
> put some effort in this idea? I could only handle the
> Linux ports, Windows would be for someone else.
> --
> "No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." --
> Daniel Remar.
> Björn De Meyer