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On 2/6/2003 at 12:35 PM Peter Hill wrote:

>Brett Kapilik:
>> I was sad to see that there weren't really any LUA forums around on the
>> Web (that I could find).
>Well... there is the Wiki. :-)
>>  Mailing lists like this are great but I for one really enjoy using
>> Web-based forums.  Anyhow, I have forums on my personal Web site and they
>> work well.  I have decided to add some LUA forums for all of you to use,
>> if you wish.  They are located at
>So what are the pros & cons of using a Forum as compared with using a Wiki?

I guess that I am personally just much more familiar with Web forums rather than a Wiki.  The Wiki just seems to me to be for more formal, larger articles and links and seems to be contributed to by fairly advanced users.  My reason for creating forums is so that someone can comfortably ask "simple" questions as well as to discuss their specific projects with others.  I know that I as a recent Lua convert have been a little hesitant to post my simple questions to the mailing list and certainly saw no place to discuss them on the Wiki.

Hey, in the end if nobody wants or feels the need for forums that is fine with me, I can take them down in anout 15.8 seconds. I just had a feeling that there might be others out there that would be interested.  Also, the the company that I work for (not Icy North, at my day job) is working on a product uses Lua as a central part of its operation and when released will instantly have 4000+ (the product is an upgrade) users that have probably never seen Lua.  Trust me, these folks are not programmers, per-se, and will never wnat to post to a mailing list like this.  Your in-box will be overwhelmed if they do.

Which actually brings me to another, unrelated, question for you Lua expertes out there.  For those of you who have integrated Lua into a commercial product, how did you approach user education about the language?  Did you provide the Lua manual?  Did you re-document the language with your extensions added?  If anyone has any ideas about this or can send me some sample documentation, I would appreciate it.


Brett Kapilik