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On 4 Feb 2003, at 10:56, Asko Kauppi wrote:
> I've worked around most of the edges for my projects but the main issue
> really is the _learning_curve_ for newcomers to Lua. If we want people to
> embrace this magnificient language, it must be simple enough to do so.

What we need is writers with enough patience to introduce every
feature with simple examples that solve problems:

"now, suppose you want to do ....some task..., in Lua you can
accomplish this by ...feature-introduced-earlier....  but you can
accomplish this easier by ; (then
explains new feature inside a solution to solve the given

BUT then again, you want the reader to start solving _interesting_
problems the earliest possible, because mastering useful solutions
is what gives motivation. But you can't just spew "metatable" and
"tagmethods" and "userdata" on the first chapter or you'll drown
the poor newbie. balance is important.

This is the best C++ book ever, and it's free:

It's the best tutorial about anything that I've ever read. Get a taste
of Bruce Eckel's writing style -- there's simply no way to follow
the book and don't learn C++! (and keep motivated all the way
through all of C++'s weirdnessess)

Fábio R. Cecin