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On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 03:19:54PM -0200, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:

> * Do you use tolua? If not, do you use any other wrapper?

Yes. Did not evaluate other wrappers in detail.

> * Do you use tolua for C or C++?

Both C and C++.

> * What features do you miss in tolua?

enums, releasing ownership of an object (in addition to the
tolua-supported claiming of ownership), more control over parameter
checking (the equivalence of NULL <-> nil sometimes makes it
difficult to verify parameters), functions to find the tolua instance
tag from a class tag and vice versa, barrier that maps C++ exceptions
to lua errors

> * How could tolua be improved?

- Implement the missing features suggested above
  (we have patches for ownership, finding the instance/class tags,
   and an admittedly inelegant exception barrier if you are interested)

- Do more frequent releases that fix the reported bugs in tolua (the heap
  corruption in conjunction with tolua's class mechanism springs to mind)

- Add support for extracting documentation from pkg files, similar to
  how doxygen works

- Document more clearly the assumptions that tolua makes, e.g., for
  C++ classes, either both constructor and destructor must be defined,
  or neither.

- Christian