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Keith A aylor wrote:

> If the Lua project is also compiling as C++ (e.g. /Tp or /TP switch) 
> then you'll also need to put the extern "C" in the lua.h.  The 
> simplest solution, in my opinion, is to put the 
> #ifdef __cplusplus/extern "C" {/#endif bit in "lua.h"

Sorry, but IIRC, it's the orther way around. You can compile Lua in two
Either you compile Lua as C++ (Lua is valid C++), and then you don't
the extern "C" anywhere. Or, you compile lua as C, and then you'll 
need the extern "C".  

"No one knows true heroes, for they speak not of their greatness." -- 
Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer