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James McCartney wrote:
> Hello - first post. It seems there are a number of issues being solved
> currently in Lua that I've already solved, so I thought I'd give a
> reference to my source code in case it is useful.
> My language SuperCollider uses a real time garbage collector based on
> the Wilson, Johnstone algorithm which is based in turn on Baker's
> treadmill algorithm. It is quite specific to my language but might be
> useful as a reference.
> My language is used for real time audio synthesis control. It is like
> Smalltalk - it has classes - and constant time message lookup (not
> hashing - it uses selector based row displacement from a paper by
> Driesen and Holze IIRC). It has real honest-to-god closures and
> coroutines (that take and return arguments upon yield calls).

I checked it out. While the algorithm may be useful,
it might be hard to apply this to lua in an easy way.

I'm sorry to say this, but I doubt your code's immediate 
use to Lua. It's written in C++, so the code would need 
to be rewritten substantially.

This would be our starting point then:

( scroll down for the paper on RT-GC)

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Daniel Remar.
Björn De Meyer