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Andre Carregal wrote:
What if someone using Lua in game development wrote a similar article for
Gamasutra? Or if the Lua team submitted some Lua reference material to
Gamasutra? The site is very popular in the game development community.

I've been working on writing an article on using Lua in games, though for how long I've been writing it, it hasn't gone very far. AFAIK there aren't too many article on embedding languages into games, more scripting articles focus on creating new scripting languages themselves.

I'd love to get my article reworked and rewritten for publishing in GDMag and Gamasutra, if for no other reason than to have something to boast about at a future Toronto IGDA chapter meeting. :) What's already written is available at this (somewhat long) URL:

It's not too much, sadly, and I realize that I missed out on how to set up C/C++ functions for use in Lua. That's why I want to give it a complete restart.

Chris 'coldacid' Charabaruk <ccharabaruk [at] meldstar [dot] com>
Meldstar Studios <> - Creation, cubed.