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Just wondering if there is any Schedule for Lua 5 ?

The previous idea was that 4.1 was going to be roughly May,
I presume due to 5.0 (and the fact its June :) this won't
be the case.

The next version of my product is now in Alpha Test, using
Lua 4.1wk4 (I haven't had time to integrate 5.0 for the first
round of testing); so obviously I'd be interested on any
estimates on when a "user-ready" 5.0 might be around.

Having said that, 4.1wk4 has been very stable (bug-wise),
I guess the main concern for me is a lock-down of features
and naming for v5.0 before several thousand of my users go
and write scripts that depend on a pre-release version of
Lua, that I am then effectively locked to.


Love, Light and Peace,

- Peter Loveday
Director of Development, eyeon Software