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On Jan 29, 2002 at 10:06 +0100, Ignacio Castaño wrote:
> What I'm not really sure is, if there should be a mechanism to explicitely
> unload modules. Libraries should be kept in a table to avoid double loading
> them, so closing the lua state would remove the libraries and with tag
> methods you can prevent leaks, so that's not a problem. I just want to know
> if it's necessary or if it's a good idea to unload a module, and remove the
> functions it has exported.

IMO, this is a nice feature, but in the "bells and whistles" category.
It might be good to have it eventually, but I personally don't have an
immediate use for it.  I use Perl's "use" all the time, and never
really thought about unloading a module.  I guess the issue is
determining how/whether library instances get shared.

Thatcher Ulrich <>