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On Monday, January 28, 2002, at 04:59 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
loadlib "wxlua"

loadlib already exists (as an addon) and defines a simple protocol for
loading and unloading a library. It's a good start.

loadlib must be an addon because it cannot be written in ANSI C.

Which is a big problem because dynamic libs work differently on each platform and create a bunch of problems for use when distributing user-level apps. (not everyone can or wants to write a bunch of files to their system directories just to run a user level app).

How about creating a lua distribution that's designed for easily adding (static) add-ons without mucking with lua source - just have a config file that the Makefile looks at for info on what to link and the functions to call to open/close the lib.
