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On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 09:41:34AM -0500, Jay Carlson wrote:
> Would it help if I shipped woody source packages?  I now have a couple 
> of boxes tracking the testing distro, so it would be pretty easy.

Punting the lua40 package over to me if you like would be nice.

I need to make sure that all the stuff I write is for 40 and 41 though :)

Unfortunately I am using 41 in all my new projects 'cos I can track 4.1
development with the -work releases fine (unless we're waiting about 9
months for 4.1 in which case I'll just have to freeze at 4.1-work3)

If the lua40 package is up to scratch for unstable/testing I'll put it in
and adapt my 41 packages to say 41 instead of 4

Sound okay?


Daniel Silverstone                     
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