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On Tuesday, January 29, 2002, at 10:30 AM, Daniel Silverstone wrote:

On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 09:41:34AM -0500, Jay Carlson wrote:
Would it help if I shipped woody source packages?  I now have a couple
of boxes tracking the testing distro, so it would be pretty easy.

Punting the lua40 package over to me if you like would be nice. is current status for potato. I haven't shipped woody packages because the ones I have are just hacked together enough to work. I need to review the packaging standards.

Known screwups: a silly source file name (liblua4.0-loadlib2-1.0_1.0-1.dsc) and a complete lack of Build-Depends. I'll spin the crank on these packages again tonight for potato, and then forward-port them to woody. (Largely re-yada'ing.)

I need to make sure that all the stuff I write is for 40 and 41 though :)

Unfortunately I am using 41 in all my new projects 'cos I can track 4.1
development with the -work releases fine (unless we're waiting about 9
months for 4.1 in which case I'll just have to freeze at 4.1-work3)

I'm stuck with 4.0 until tolua catches up. Been considering porting it to 4.1 myself.

If the lua40 package is up to scratch for unstable/testing I'll put it in
and adapt my 41 packages to say 41 instead of 4

Sound okay?

Yes, quite. I'm interested in making your life easier, and I'm more than willing to take advice and suggestions. I'm not a Real Debian Developer, so you know more than I do about what's good and proper.
