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Edgar Toernig writes:

But that would result in two classes of behaviour: one only accepts
true and another that accepts anything but nil/false.  I'm not sure
that I would like that...

I am not sure I understand this concern - do you have an example ?
I dont think that this impacts the semantics of relational
operators other than that it is possible to test a type and
tell that it is a 'true' value (from a relational opeartor) -
almost all other code could just ignore this - ie. following
the pattern from the proposal - - true/false are distinct types
print(type(true)) = "true"
print(type(false)) = "false" - Relational operators return true/false
5 > 6         ==> false
1 == 1        ==> true
nil == false  ==> false
1 == true ==> false - Logical operators treat true as a non-nil type
true and 10   ==> true
10 and true   ==> true
10 or true    ==> 10
10 and 11     ==> 11
nil or nil    ==> nil
not(true)     ==> false
not(1)        ==> false
not(false) ==> true Regards, PaulC