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> Nice..This is more and less what uCore is (But uCore is not opensource),
> What I (we) have done is create the entire IDE/Debugger/Editor/Window
> designer/Report designer within uCore itself.
> So I would suggest that you consider this approach. It will make the system
> much more powerfull and more open for people to use, expand etc..

I think some debugger code will get included into your project (like LuaDbg)
and this will manage your application debug session. I think it has to be
flexible enough to work in command line mode for apps or platforms that have
no GUI and for apps which are/want to be GUI driven. This should be fairly
straight forward as we can just bolt a GUI on LuaDbg.

The main focus of the project is a debugger/inspector. The editor is a
secondary concern since we all have editors already, although I think it would
be nice to have it all as one suite. The editor only requires wxLua. The
debugger requires communication with your code. How it is all configured and
launched will have to be configurable depending on the project because of the
nature of Lua (ie. standalone or embedded). Issues such as number type
modifcation can be dealt with by the LuaDbg library which is integrated with
the client code.

Any other functionality eg. Dialog designers etc can be addons for the
project. The more that is written in Lua the more it will be configurable and
