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>When I first included just <lua.h> in my project, I got an "... uses
>undefined struct lua_State" error. When I check lua.h this made sense,
>because there was only a "typedef  lua_State  struct lua_State" and the
>struct itself was not defined in any of the four include files (lua.h,
>lualib.h, luadebug.h, lauxlib.h).

This is correct and as should be. Lua clients should only use *pointers* 
to lua_State and so there is no need for them to see the *definition* of
struct lua_State.

Are you defining variables of type lua_State insted of lua_State* ?

As far as I know, Lua compiles *unmodified* with VC++ 6.
The binaries in our site were generated from *unmodified* sources.

Perhaps you should look at the project files in