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On Mon, 9 Oct 2000, Reuben Thomas wrote:

> These are both good points, although I'm not sure that books will remain
> for much longer a major source of information on programming languages,
> and electronic editions are much easier to keep up to date. Besides, one
> of the nice things about Lua is precisely that (if you're already a
> programmer) you can learn it quite happily from the manual.

	I don't know if it's just me, but I hate to read for a long time
on-line. I spend lots of money printing manuals (Lua's inclusive) and
sometimes buying a good book. I'm one of those people who believe paper
will never disappear.

  --Alex		Lab. de Computacao Grafica/UFC
|"Minha força vem da solidão. Não tenho medo das chuvas tempestuosas nem das |
| grandes ventanias soltas, pois eu também sou o escuro da noite."	     |
|	- Clarice Lispector						     |