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[Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <>]
> but none of these are "official".
> I'm trying to get as many entries in our projets page
> but our impression is that there are many more uses of Lua around that
> we don't know about.
> Please, send your entries! Use the form at
> (I doubt that this plea will make any real difference, because I doubt that
> most Lua users are actually in this list, but I'm desperate :-)
> Anyway, it will be much easier to support Lua if we can show our sponsors that
> Lua is widely used. So we need all the info we can get.)

I'm working on an interactive development environment of sorts using Lua
on the BeOS.  Right now I'm mostly focusing on providing a prototyping
tool to some of the UI designers at Be -- they currently use Director and
Lingo to mock up new UI concepts, but are interested in a solution that
runs under BeOS.  If things keep going as smoothly as they have so far,
it's possible this will turn into a general purpose development environment
of some sort.  No web page with an overview and sources yet, but give me
a week or so.


 Brian J. Swetland - | "I will crrush your Xterm like a      |  tiny leetle bug!"
                                        |                         --Joel Jones