Float Sum Fast

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Accurate floating point summation. Like Python's fsum.

This version collect partial sums in reverse order, with each entry (except last) used up all 53 bits.

With less partials to sum, it's speed is 2X of my old version (see FloatSum)

To see my C/C++ versions (see https://github.com/achan001/fsum)

> fsum = require 'fsum'
> = fsum(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1) - 1
> fadd, ftotal = fsum()
> for i = 1, 10 do fadd(0.1) end
> = ftotal() - 1
> ftotal(0)    -- clear calculator
> for i = 1, 10 do fadd(0.1) end
> = ftotal() - 1

local function fsum(...)
    local p, abs = {1}, math.abs    -- p[1] == #p
    local function fadd(x)
        local p, i = p, 2
        for j = 2, p[1] do
            local y = p[j]
            if abs(x) > abs(y) then x, y = y, x end
            local hi = x + y
            local lo = x - (hi - y)
            x = hi
            if lo ~= 0 then p[i] = x; x = lo; i = i + 1 end
        if x ~= x then p[1] = 2 return end  -- Inf or NaN
        p[1] = i
        p[i] = x
    local function ftotal(clear)
        if clear then p[1] = 1 end  -- clear all partials
            local n, overlap = p[1], false
            local prev = {unpack(p, 1, n)}
            fadd(0)                 -- remove partials overlap
            if n <= 3 then return p[2] end
            for i = 1, n do
                if p[i] ~= prev[i] then overlap = true; break end
        until not overlap
        local x, lo, err = unpack(p, 2, 4)
        if (lo < 0) == (err < 0) then
            lo = lo * 2             -- |lo| = 1/2 ULP
            local hi = x + lo       -- -> x off 1 ULP
            if lo == hi - x then x = hi end
        return x
    if select('#', ...) == 0 then return fadd, ftotal end
    for i = 1, select('#', ...) do fadd(select(i, ...)) end
    return ftotal()

if select(1, ...) ~= 'fsum' then    -- test code
    local read, fadd, ftotal = io.read, fsum()
    io.input(select(1, ...))        -- read from file
    pcall(function() while true do fadd(read('*n')) end end)
return fsum

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Last edited June 24, 2018 4:29 am GMT (diff)